Included in this box:
1. Boarduino (Atmega 328) controller
2. 18v15 Pololu Motor Driver (rear motor drive)
3. Dual AxisCompass Module - HMC6352
4. Xbee Pro 60mW U.FL module: for wireless comunication

I had to replace the stock steering motor/potentiometer setup with a servo motor to put ease on the programming (I'm now able to eliminate the steering control loop code). I also broke the ICSP header outside the box for programming (I had to wire up a switch to disconnect both the external power and the Xbee's transmit line from the microcontroller in order to externally program).
I'm working on the code for wireless control/feedback. Eventually I intend on adding a camera, ultrasonic rangefinder and GPS module.
Anyway, here is a short video on my car's first run with both functional steering/driving. (given the small area, I had it just do circles in my kitchen).